Yoga changed my life

Yoga helped me change my life
Before and after photo

There was once a time not long ago when I would be sitting staring out the window of my local watering hole on Queen Street or from the picnic table in the park where I spent afternoons doing my multimedia work while waiting to pick up my son from school.

I would see people walking or biking past carrying their rolled up yoga mats.

Being a die hard hockey and football fan my entire life, I thought yoga was a sport for women but,  I was wrong…

Once I moved to Collingwood, I met a woman who was a yoga instructor. She was the first yoga instructor I’d ever met and suggested we attend a yoga class together.

I was very reluctant because of my closed-mind and limited beliefs about yoga but decided to give it a try and took my first yoga class in January 2014.

It was not exactly what I had expected it to be, it exceeded my expectations and I loved going to this place, lie down on a rubber mat and do strange movements with unusual names like Happy Baby, Cat Cow, Downward Dog or Shavasana! A place where I could get a quick nap in seemed like an awesome place!

Not long after I started practicing yoga, I began to notice that I was losing weight, my thinking was clearer and more focused, my mood had improved, my balance had improved. Something was happening to me by coming to yoga classes, something great.

I had found a cool place to go where I could clear my mind, meet women and get healthy and fit and I was accepted. It become a part of my daily routine and was a great place to go each morning instead of my regular routine.

What I didn’t realize until many years after was how grateful I was to the woman who took me to my first yoga class when I was overweight and in desperate need of a change to my lifestyle.

Changing how I thought about yoga lead me to experience new things, opened my mind, my body to relax, breathe, stretch, be in the moment, meet new people and challenged me in ways I could never have imagined and it was helping me lose weight.

Once I had improved at yoga, I joined a more advanced yoga class and from there I noticed people taking spinning and circuit training classes and signed up for those and loved it. The classes were high energy, fun and full of amazing people, just what the doctor ordered.

That lead me to become a personal trainer and help other people like myself to lose weight and make changes to their lifestyle.

If you have never tried yoga before, I seriously recommend that you do.

Yoga changed my life for the better and it might do the same for you.

Dead Man Walking

When I was 48 years old I was overweight and needed to have my wisdom teeth removed.

I don’t know if you’ve had your wisdom teeth removed but it’s one of those life experiences that I never wanted to experience and had avoided.

Luckily for me at that time I knew a parent from my son’s hockey team who just happened to be a Dental Surgeon. He offered to remove my wisdom teeth and I gladly accepted his offer.

On the day of my surgery, the nurse took x-rays and then escorted me into the surgery room and administered anesthetic.

The Dental Surgeon went to work but after a few minutes, I woke up and looked up at the doctor while he was pulling a tooth out of my mouth with a big pair of pliers.

The kind doctor looked down at me and said “Craig, you are a dead man walking and there’s a good chance you will die before before the age of 50 if you do not lose weight.”

He made me promise that I would have to make a serious effort to lose weight or he would not finish operating.

I reluctantly promised that I would change my life and lose weight and he finished removing my wisdom teeth.

That was a day that changed my life forever.






Lifestyle change is worth it

In 2012, I made a lifestyle change and moved from Toronto to Collingwood,Ontario on the shores of Georgian Bay.

I have lost 125 pounds, no longer take high blood pressure medication, am healthier and more physically fit then I have been in my entire life.

Many people have helped me along the path to health and wellness and there is a lot of learning involved but the main decision to change comes from deep inside.

Lifestyle change will probably change your body overnight and will mean altering many things in your life that you have become used to.

If you or someone you know is considering making a lifestyle change to lose weight and get healthier and fitter, it is the right decision to make.

Go for it and never look back, keep an open mind, be grateful, embrace change and never let anyone change your mind.

What you have decided is the right decision and great things will follow, along with feeling very hungry and tired and not being able to walk for a few days because of sore muscles.